All the ways you can support WOFFF
Have you got some time you could contribute to WOFFF?
We’re always looking for volunteers to help us with social media, marketing, printing, fundraising – you name it, we love help with it! If you have particular talents or expertise you think we should know about please email us at: info@wofff.co.uk.
Donate to support WOFFF
By making a contribution to Women Over 50 Film Festival you can help us flourish as we work towards a filmmaking world where women over 50 thrive. Donate to our current fundraising campaign, FIVER.
Sponsorship and Partnerships
Women Over 50 Film Festival is one of the world’s first film festivals to shine a spotlight on older women, celebrating all that they bring to the world of independent film.
Today, businesses and organisations strive to be part of a solution that promotes greater equality and inclusivity. A film festival that proudly celebrates age and gender diversity is one, we believe, everyone can get behind. By supporting Women Over Fifty Film Festival you can show your company is championing women in the workplace – encouraging women to stay in your organisation, persuading women to return to your organisation and advocating for more women on boards across your sector.
If you’d like to talk about how your business can be involved with WOFFF – get in touch with us, we’d love to hear from you.