Women Over 50 Film Festival

Short script submissions open

We’re delighted to announced the WOFFF20 short script competition is now open.
The competition is open to as-yet unproduced, complete short drama scripts, under five minutes, centring on a woman over 50 or written by a woman over 50.
Shedunnit Productions returns as our key partner sponsoring this competition.

WOFFF20 Awards & Prizes

The Shedunnit Productions Prize awarded for the winning script is a script consultation with Helen Jacey, founder of Shedunnit Productions and Author of The Woman in the Story: Writing Memorable Female Characters. This consultation can be for a feature screenplay, TV pilot or short film.

It’s a privilege to be judging the WOFFF Best Short Script Prize for the second year. I’m excited to discover some fantastic older female characters on the page – or scripts penned by fabulous older women filmmakers! Short scripts are not necessarily easy to write, but done well, they are utterly impactful.

Helen Jacey

Other 1st place prizes include:

Runner-up short drama scripts prizes include:

  • a signed copy of a Helen Jacey book
  • a winner’s certificate 

How to submit your short script

This is a competition for completed short drama film scripts up to five minutes in length with a woman over 50 at its centre or written by a woman over 50. Submissions are open from 22 June 2020. The deadline for this competition is 25 July 2020 or the date when 50 scripts are received by WOFFF, whichever is sooner.
Click on the Filmfreeway below to read the full details of the competition and how to apply.

WOFFF19 short script winners

Last year’s winning script about a woman saying goodbye, LOVE IS was by Dylanne Corcoran.

A powerful and brave short about love and loss told with efficient and evocative storytelling. We really appreciated the up close and personal style, as we watch Helen come to terms with her final goodbye to John. The ‘before and after’ structure, with the actual ‘real’ goodbye off-screen, is a powerful device to convey the emotional impact of the final moments. There is a sophisticated use of location (the bland nature of the hotel room) and of visual imagery that conveys the underlying humanity in the imminent goodbye.

WOFFF19 judges’ comments on LOVE IS by Dylanne Corcoran

Anna Murphy’s script LUCY AND THIS GUY WITH DIAMONDS was the WOFFF19 Runner-Up script. Anna attended the festival and received her certificate and a copy of the book THE WOMAN IN THE STORY by judge Helen Jacey.

Runner-up Best Short Script Anna Murphy with Judge Helen Jacey at WOFFF19
Dylanne CorcoranWinnerLOVE IS
Anna MurphyRunner UpLucy and this Guy with Diamonds
Martha Reed3rd PlaceFalling Apart at the Seams
Karen MartinezCommended A Short Fuse
Diana LanhamCommendedEvery 3rd Thursday