Women Over 50 Film Festival

WOFFF21 submissions

WOFFF 2021 submissions are now open.

Who’s eligible?
Everyone is eligible to submit a film to Women Over 50 Film Festival. There’s no upper or lower age limit and it’s not only open to women. As long as your film centres on a woman over 50 or part of your core creative team is female and over 50, your film is eligible.

When can I submit my film?
2021 submissions open on 6 January and close on 21 July.

The small print 
To be eligible for Women Over 50 Film Festival your film must:

  • have a woman over 50 at its centre  OR
  • be made by a female filmmaker (writer, director or producer) over 50

Your film should

  • be under 12 minutes for animation or experimental films
  • be under 20 minutes for dramas
  • be under 25 minutes for documentaries 

And your film should also

  • be in English or have English sub-titles

Our submissions are hosted by Filmfreeway which offers free HD online screeners, unlimited video storage, digital press kits and more.

Student Prize
At WOFFF we aim to increase conversations between generations and although we know not all students are young people, many students are, and we offer a Student Prize to encourage this dialogue to open up further.
Festival Director, Nuala O’Sullivan says, “At WOFFF we want to make a difference in the fight for gender and age equality and we hope this prize will encourage emerging and student filmmakers to consider older women as cast and crew when they’re creating work.”
Full details on how to submit a student film can be found, along with our regular submissions on Filmfreeway.

3 women sitting on a sofa laughing
WOFFF20 Best Student Film DELTA by -ME-NOT by Jules St-Jean

At WOFFF we’re committed to screening a diversity of older women’s voices worldwide. A bursary fund is available to assist filmmakers to submit work to WOFFF. Since its introduction WOFFF has offered bursaries to filmmakers with work from Afghanistan, Egypt, Germany, Iran, Korea, Nepal, Sri Lanka, UK and USA to enable them to submit their film without a submission fee.
To apply for a submission bursary, please request further information by contacting us at info (at) wofff (dot) co (dot) uk

WOFFF17 Bursary submission MARY MOTHER by Sadam Wahidi

Submission fees 2021
We understand that budgets are tight for many filmmaker so this year so we’ve kept submission fees the same as last year

2021 Key dates 
6 Jan – Submissions open
6 Jan – 15 Feb – Earlybird submissions – $20.00
16 Feb – 7 June – Regular submissions – $25.00
8 June – 21 July – Late submissions – $30.00
21 July – Submissions close
11 Aug – Filmmakers notified if their film will screen at WOFFF21
Discounts on Earlybird, Regular and Late submissions are available to FilmFreeway Gold Members. Info on how to become FilmFreeway Gold Member here.