Lots of people worry about growing older. Many of us think it’s a time of decline, ill-health, reduced opportunities and loneliness. But research doesn’t back up this pessimistic view of later life. The U-cure of happiness shows that people are happiest at the beginnings and the ends of their lives. Ashton Applewhite, author of This Chair Rocks says, “Older people enjoy better mental health than the young or middle-aged. Dementia rates are falling, fast.”
So, what is life really like for women after 50? If you’re curious about older women’s desires, duties and dreams, then let the WOFFF curated shorts programme enlighten you. Join us for fascinating tales of women over 50 falling in love, caring through COVID, raging in menopause and fighting for battle rap glory. And let’s not forget the selfless vicar’s wife getting possessed by a strange force, unlocking a pleasurable side she never knew she had.
What: A programme of curated WOFFF short films + Q&A with Nuala O’Sullivan and Karen Spicer
Where: Depot, PinwelL Road, BN7 2JS
When: Wednesday 27 July at 6PM
Tickets: Book here
The Birth of Valerie Venus
Sarah Clift | UK | 2020 | Drama | 15min
A selfless vicar’s wife is possessed by a strange force, unlocking a mischievous and pleasurable side she never knew she had. The story of a woman going on a journey to make changes within herself, from looking after others, to looking after herself.

The Exit Plan
Angus Wilkinson | Australia, UK | 2020 | Drama | 14min
In an overpopulated near future, an elderly woman is visited by a young government official to check she is complying with the Exit Plan policy. But when the agent interrogates her further, he soon realises she has something planned for him
There’s a Reason People Don’t Swim in Dresses
Andrew Brooks | UK | 2021 | Experimental | 2min
In a light-drenched quarry pool, a woman swims in a wedding dress made of blue dishcloths.
El Habbasa
Dania Elmor | Egypt 2019 | Documentary | 10min
Wafaa Ghareeb lives in Kafr el Sheikh, Egypt. She wakes up in the middle of the night to start her daily work. She catches fish by hand and then puts them into her fishing net, her “Habbasa”.
Joy Uncensored
Natasha Hawthornthwaite | UK | 2020 | Documentary | 15min
64-year-old Joy France attempts to break gender and age stereotypes by competing in the brutal, youthful, male-dominated world of battle rap. A story of one woman’s daring attempt to embrace life.
Mid Life: The Skin We’re In
Lucy Richardson | UK | 2020 | Documentary | 8min
Mid Life pauses three fierce women at a moment in time – the Menopause. Their bodies are changing and they have something to say. A poetic look at how to celebrate, survive and thrive in your own skin. An uplifting film exploring the expectations we place on women’s bodies, and how we can rise through them to a deeper appreciation of ourselves.
Post-screening Q&A
WOFFF founder and director, Nuala O’Sullivan, in conversation with Karen Spicer. Karen is a Brighton-based actor and stars in Mid Life: The Skin We’re In.
SHE’S CURIOUS is part of Film Feels Curious, a UK-wide cinema season, supported by the National Lottery and BFI Film Audience Network. Explore all films and events at filmfeels.co.uk
Facilitated by WOFFF on behalf of Screen Shot , which promotes and supports alternative film events in Sussex. Screen Shot works with independent programmers, film clubs, festivals and community groups to help special events, pop-up screenings and live cinema events reach a wider audience.