
WOFFF 2017 Festival Programme

WOFFF17 Launch Mamma Mia 



Screenings, Workshops and Free Events 

12:00 Screening 1: Hearts on Fire                    

LYING WOMEN (Deborah Kelly)

Life, Death and Cheerleading (Claire Tailyour)

The Old Woman and the Sea (Esme Hicks)

A Woman Apart (Mary Omelina)

Girls of a Feather (Dina Abd Elsalam)

Older Ladies (Christine McHugh)

1:45 PM Screening 2: Power/Balance        

Beryl (Deepak Verma)

Brand New Day (Patricia Beckmann Wells)

The Gift of the Magpie (Anita George)

Writing the peace (A D Cooper)

Vigilantes (Alexa Mercado & Michael Mastrangelo)

Girls and Glaciers (Annette Frahm)

The Lift (Leyla Pope)

Hear Me Now (Maria Viola Craig)

FREE Event 1 

3:30 PM Louise FitzGerald, Film and Screen Studies, University of Brighton on Older Women’s Representation in Mamma Mia – a lecture with clips 

1:45 PM Screening 3: Conflict   

Get Riel (Will Barnard)

The Ladies’ Bridge (Karen Livesey)

The Light; Urban Chronicles, episode 1 (J Bunting Johnson)

Domestic Policy (Alicia MacDonald)

Mary Mother (Sadam Wahidi)

6:30 PM Screening 4 Resolution

Emotional Fit  (Katherine Townsend)

Cherry Colour Buttonholes (Brenda Miller)

The Unbearable Whiteness of Being (Vesna Marich)

Pulling Up Roots (Cecelia Condit)

A Lighthouse in Breaking Waves (Cheryl White)

Light Divides the Square (Kimberly Burleigh)

KEDEM (Narda Azaria Dalgleish)

Just Saying (Nick Reed)

Hearts Aren’t Lonely (Beth Pasternak)



Workshop 1 : Women and domesticity – What’s Your Perspective? Stitch your views onto a duster! With Vanessa Marr, Lecturer, Artist and Graphic Designer. This practical workshop invites you to share your views, thoughts and experiences on the relationship between women and domesticity.  And stitch them onto a duster.

Workshop 2: How to Make a Film on Your Smart Phone with Deirdre Mulcahy, BBC Mobile/Video Journalism Trainer. Learn to shoot well-framed video with professional-looking interviews and have a basic understanding of the building blocks of visual storytelling.

Workshop 3How to Win at Pitching with Jane Mote, international TV executive and consultant with Whicker’s World Foundation  

A practical and interactive workshop that helps you understand how to influence and win over judges or commissioners with your ideas for documentary.

Workshop 4:  Learning Latin American Dance with 82 year-old Elsa Perez,  dancer, choreographer and the star of the WOFFF short documentary Get Riel. In this dance-based, fun workshop you’ll learn the basics of six brilliant Latin American dances. All abilities welcome. 

Screenings, Workshops and Free Events 


Screening 5: Anchor

Mother (Marc Hardman)

Venice (Venetia Taylor)

My Aunt Mame (Krissy Mahan)

Mwah (Sara Soheili)

When We Were Poor (Lynn Matheson)

MUM (Meriem Adib)

BEAST (Christopher Sferrazza)

Oor Wally (Martin Lennon)

Screening 6: Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll

Mum Explains Shouty Music To Me (Elizabeth  Mizon)

Spores (Frances Poet & Richard Poet)

Espressivo: A Love Song to Coffee (Deb Ethier)

Rebel Menopause (Adele Tulli)

Elderflower (Ben Mallaby)

The Singer’s Tale (Barry J Gibb)

FREE Event 2 

All-female panel event – Rebecca Kesby (BBC World Service) in conversation on The Journey of a Film with Vanessa Bailey, Lucy Sheen and Loy Phillips

WOFFF 2016 panel event: Rebecca Kesby, Yvonne Connikie and Melody Bridges

Screening 7: Home

Valli van Zijl – Placemaker (Emma Crouch & Rosie Murdoch)

The Hide Gaynor Macfarlane)

A Short History of Indians in Canada (Nancy Beiman)

Days of Awe (Rehana Rose)

Auntie Ganga (Asmita Shrish)

Black Eyed Susan (Nick Rowntree)

Rambling On (Nicole Pott)

Screening 8: Beyond

The Lefthand Side (Gabriella Apicella & Emma Croft)

Going Forward (Marva Gregorio De Souza)

Résonances (Jean-Julien Pous)

Real Artists (Cameo Wood)

Fay Presto – Queen of Close-up (Hanna Aqvilin)

Love Your Lines (Claire Nolan)



Workshop 5 

Distributing your Film in the Digital Age with Jessica Duncanson, FilmDoo 

Learn about the key trends in digital distribution and get an overview of the leading online platforms within this space.

Workshop 6

Workshopping a Work-in-Progress film with Alice Seabright, Writer and Director 


WOFFF is a Community Interest Company: Number: 11057739 | Registered in England and Wales